As a charity at the heart of our communities, we understand the importance the athletics track holds for local people, with many of you booking on a regular or recreational basis.

We can confirm that the track is now open following some important maintenance work and can continue to be booked during the temporary closure.

We are pleased to confirm that if you had a membership with Brickfields through Plymouth Active Leisure which included use of the athletics track, you can continue to book free of charge throughout the period of redevelopment.

Opening times for track bookings can be found on the dedicated Brickfields micro-site. This is updated weekly and based on track availability across the week. Click here to view

The booking process for members and non-members (PAYG) is as follows:

  • No pre-booking is required. During track opening times, as per the timetable, please visit Main Reception (currently inside the sports centre) to book a lane.
  • At the time of booking, PAL members must show their membership card as evidence of membership. We will record membership numbers and check these are active with PAL.
  • Non-members can pay via cash or card – please note our request for exact change as payment.
  • Upon receipt of payment, you will be provided with an admission wristband to wear during your time slot.
  • You can then enter the track in your allotted lane and enjoy your track time.

Prices for non-members (PAYG bookings) are £3.50 per hour, per person – or you can book a 2-hour slot for £5.

We will monitor usage and capacity and may make changes where required, sometimes at short notice due to changing circumstances regarding the redevelopment.

If you would like to make an enquiry about track use or availability, or are interested in enquiring about block booking the track, please contact us via the dedicated email or phone 01752 522202.

It should also be noted that Plymouth City Council have appointed a contractor to complete some remedial works to the athletics stand. The work will start immediately with completion scheduled for the end of October.

As a result of the works, the stand will be covered, and a spectator barrier will surround the area meaning it will be out of bounds for users and spectators during this time. The track will be reduced by three lanes on this side which will be covered to protect the pitch.

To find out more about the Brickfields redevelopment, visit the dedicated microsite here where you can also sign up to the newsletter to stay up to date with the latest developments.

We appreciate your understanding during this transition, and we can’t wait to welcome you back to your brand-new facility.

Thank you for your support.